Kálmán Kapusi, DLA - associate professor, Director of Institute |
His research area is the examination of the dropout rate of disadvantaged students in elementary art education. He also works as a mentor teacher in this field. At the Liszt Academy of Music, he participated twice in the double bass DLA concert and defense as a committee member. He has performed as a soloist and member of various ensembles in many places: Germany, Leipzig (Gewandhaus), Germany, Berlin (Philharmonic Concert Hall), Czech Republic, Prague (Academy of Music), Austria, Graz (Stefaniensaal, Opernhaus), France Conservatoire de Paris (Ducas salle) , Poland, Wroclaw Academy of Music (Theater hall), Slovakia, Bratislava (Academy of Music) China, Shanghai (Grand Theatre), Spain, Benelux States, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Israel, etc... In addition to his classical musical activities, he is also an active member of various pop music and jazz formations as a double bassist, bassist, and pianist. E-mail: kapusi.kalman@music.unideb.hu |
Ákos Tóth - Vice Director of Institute, Creative Manager |
E-mail: akos.toth@music.unideb.hu
Gergő Szamosközi - Education Coordinator |